Tuesday, December 31, 2013

frank interlude

happy new year from the nuttiest mammal around!  [and happy new year from me as well]

Monday, December 30, 2013

post-solstice skies

yep thats the moon.  and some icicles as evidence of the poor poor insulation value of my house.  and me creepin on the neighbors.  at 7am.  im working different hours at the weekday job [THANK GOD] and i no longer have to leave the house in pitch black every morning.  due to the additional minutes of daylight i am also leaving work juuuuust as "civil twilight" is fading. 
and i do not love snow.  but its so clean and pretty for the first few hours

Saturday, December 28, 2013

liz's laundry

this week, each with a brief commentary.  cos its necessary

first outfit.  like wearing pjs to work.  only theyre ponte pants [thicker than leggings!] and they kept falling down.  my pjs do not fall down. 
  • top and earrings: bass outlet
  • tank: h&m
  • ponte pants and socks: target

Sunday, December 22, 2013

frank interlude

sad sack kitty huddles by the basement door in hopes of eking the smallest bit of heat from under the door.  pitiful really.  he has a damn fur coat.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the best breakfast burrito in the land

necessary ingredients:
  • jalapeno tortilla
  • eggs
  • bacon
  • cheese
  • raw potatoes [already cut into hashbrowns]
  • butter
  • sriracha
  • ketchup
  • salt and pepper

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

decor continued

besides a tree, i have some other tasteful holiday decorations around.  home depot sells a surprising amount of holiday sparkles and i got sucked in.  the perils of working in the electrical department, right next to garden/holiday.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

liz's laundry

  • sweater: bass outlet
  • tank: h&m
  • pants: macys
  • widecalf boots: shoes.com [new out of the box!  no dirty shoes in my house]

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

christmas decor!

last week with the help of a classmate with a truck, i got a christmas tree!  turns out i have 8.5' ceilings and a 6' tall friend isnt the best height gauge..  the tree fits though, and it is quite rotund.  just as i intended.
frank helped decorate..

Monday, December 9, 2013

frank interlude

give a cat a box with crinkly paper and he'll sit in it aaaall through thanksgiving.  when hes not begging for turkey.
when frank needs alone time, he doesnt hide like regular cats.  he instead picks the most populated room of the house and faces the wall.  except when annoying people take pictures.  then, anger.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

house happenings

the living room wall is slowly being populated with swanky mirrors - salvation army purchase, home depot purchase,  hand-me-down from grammie.  also a y from the salv army.  why you ask?  why not.  hah.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


this year with my mom and sister out of town until turkey-day-morning, my dad and i were responsible for thanksgiving in all of its glory.  terrifying i know.  but the mums prepared a suggested food list, necessary grocery list, and copied me some recipes.  thanksgiving eve, my dad drove down and we planned turkey timing and logistics, set the table, made pies, and ...appropriately, i think, watched the hunger games.
grape pie with kitty vents, apple pie, and chocolate pecan.  no picture of the pumpkin pie cheesecake, but it was a big hit.  and its on the instagram.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

how to rewire a lamp

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A PRO [yet].  any actions you take based on my post will invalidate any UL listing on your materials and can possibly be a fire hazard.  but then again, it probably cant be worse than it was. 

also, PG-13.  i swear a lot.  get over it or find a different site to read.  and yes i know my nails look like crap and my fingers are all cut up and dry.  wiring lab + winter + washing hands a lot.  aint nobody got time fo that.
this is a lamp.  i love lamp.  no not really.  this lamp used to be an oil burning thinger with a fancy glass chimney that held up the ancient lampshade.  before safety restrictions and the like, it was rewired with some ancient cord, and somewhere between the move from iowa to maine, the glass chimney was sent to narnia.  i was given the pieces of the lamp with the exception that i would
paint/modpodge/rewire or otherwise fix it... or donate it to goodwill for someone else to play with.  a semester into my electrician training, ive got simple wiring down pat.  or so i thought. 

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