Saturday, November 30, 2013

frank interlude

let's play this week's round of "i work too much and all i do otherwise is take pics of satancat!" 

sometimes things look better upside down.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

feel the beet [part deux]

just over a year ago i roasted my first beets.  this summer i grew some pitiful excuses for beet greens with liiiitle stringy roots attached.  no pics.  they went straight into the composter out of spite.  but the grocery store had giant beets on sale for about $4 a bag. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

how to grow paperwhites

the floral type.  not the e-reader.  but if you find a way to grow those, lemme know.

step 1: buy paperwhite bulbs
step 2: buy glassware at goodwill that may or may not have formerly been an ashtray
step 2.5: wash thoroughly
step 3: find bag of pebbles in garage
step 4: dump pebbles in glassware
step 5: put bulbs in pebbles
step 6: water
step 7: wait
2 weeks later [possibly an ashtray]
probably not an ashtray

Saturday, November 23, 2013

glitter in the garden

but soft!  what light through yonder window breaks!  tis no wait.  that's just the garage light going on again. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

frank interlude

if we're fb friends, you already saw two of these.  and yes i did take a ridic number of selfies with frank.  but i was minding my own business, chillin at my computer, likely catching up on hours of hulu.  up hopped a kitty who proceeded to crawl into my hood and then up on my shoulder like a parrot.  in his few few moments of affection, unintentional movements on my part turn almost immediately to cat-inflicted-pain.  so i sat and endured.  and happily, my camera was within reach.
hi.  anything interesting?

Monday, November 11, 2013

liz's laundry

work outfits and 2 of 3 halloween costumes.  aka the week of super intense stares
  • fuzzy vest: uniqlo
  • scarf: target
  • studded sweater: macy's
  • purple pants: gap
  • tank: tj maxx/marshalls [one of those]

Friday, November 8, 2013

liz's laundry

its mah birfday!  today i turn 28.  by 30 i hope to have all my shit together.  together as in: out of school [again], working in a job i can tolerate, not working 7 days a week, making all of the projects, not straight broke and defaulting on my house, and i'll settle for moderately happy and not batshit crazy.  but umm we'll see.  yay goals.  
  • top, necklace, sweater: thrifted
  • pants: macys
  • tank: ny&co

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

goodwill hunting

ready to wear nearly-tunic-length winter top and 5-strand necklace

Friday, November 1, 2013

liz's laundry

  • jacket: wilson's leather [~5 years ago]
  • sweater: thrifted
  • top: h&m
  • skirt: bass outlet [$4!]
  • earrings: handmade by me
  • necklace: hand-me-down from my grandma
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