so ive setup an etsy store. it looks pretty crappy and but i will eventually get around to customizing it. please check it out and feel free to spread the word. i will be making jewelry and other miscellaneous crafts and selling "crafting supplies" that i no longer use... including about 2 million seed beads. pricing i think is pretty fair, and is based on the expense of materials and time spent on each piece. obviously im out to make a profit as i need to subsidize my shopping habits [which as of late are atrophying from disuse] but i wont try and sell something for 5x what it is actually worth just because people will buy it ::coughurbanoutfitterscough::
here is my ginormous workspace. if i remember correctly the desk is somewhere in the range of 6.5'x7'. faux cherry veneer and dark grey? claaaaaassy. behind those cupboards [and drawers below] lurks an unimaginable stash of food. sadly, it cannot rival mike's 6 pound tin of mixed nuts in sheer weight. my people-from back left: senior capstone, ewb honduras, family, college roommates, best friend from iowa, boyfriend, other best friends from iowa my "uncrashable" apple. that crashes weekly. it seemed a bit weird taking a picture of my pictures, but i think they all turned out rather nicely. albeit ...haphazard. ahhh idk why i like that word. but instead of attempting to line everything up, my ocd said fuck it dude, lets go bowling.
sad green chair sitting waiting for garbage pickup my car is too small since i am pretty much obsessed with cutting out snowflakes and shiny things, kirigami seemed like the next logical step. now.. what to do with them frank patiently awaits attacks when not sedate he prowls his estate skittery little gait
i have no idea what these trees are.. but from not too close up they look like a carnation tree. which i obviously know they arent. cos carnations dont grow on trees. and neither does money a glamour shot blue sky background a weird silkworm/larvae/gross slimy creepy crawler nest the frank in his natural habitat. 2/$3 at your local grocery store! i actually saw a tv ad for these little buggers the other day. a woman, of course her place is the kitchen, is contemplating what to make for her happy little family's dinner. she apparently doesnt know how to read a recipe or a cookbook cos she wracks her brain for a meal. suddenly, a shot rang out. no wrong story. the proverbial light bulb clicks on and she miraculously remembers the pre-measured spice packets she bought that killed the tree and drained the petroleum to make the plastic to hold the spices that she is too inept to measure out for herself, which will become refuse that ironically, will be her children's problem to deal with. but i digress. she ends up making a delicious looking ________ [fill in blank] with her mccormick's spices and the happy family remains happy the end.
it annoyed me. to say the least. yea its a pain in the arse to build a spice collection from scratch. but seriously lady? buy a fucking set of measuring spoons. and really, since its not baking, just guess. its close enough. especially if youre making garlic lime chicken fajitas. you really cant fuck that one up.
whilst perusing facebook i came across this gem. [click to enlarge] i vaguely remember something from church like "love thy neighbor as thy self...unless they have differing political and religious beliefs. then you can pray that god smite them cos they deserve it for being liberal heathen scum." isnt that how it went?
yea. i know babies arent supposed to be orange. and car tires arent either. so sue me. cupcakes for the schneiders! ignore the powdered sugar. it eventually absorbed in. "congrats amy & seth" "welcome baby schneider" [to my knowledge he was as yet unnamed] leftover cupcakes and fondant i got too lazy to fill more cupcake liners and made a short 8" cake. fleurs from the back yard umm they opened overnight quite a lot. and now the house smells of old ladies.
some days you just want to wear something comfy and it looks like crap so you throw on a scarf and hope people only notice that your hair looks good. is that shallow? probably.
a year ago today a friend was killed in a car accident.
the last time i saw him, we were graduating from college, about to head into the world, alumna of the UMO class of '08. a double major in german, a percussionist, and a frat boy, i really had no reason to know him. except for the few classes we had together as upperclassmen. we became friends senior year and struggled through environmental engineering chemistry together, yelling about impossible homework, trying in vain to succeed in the class.
the most tragic part is had he been wearing his seat belt, he most likely would have survived the accident. he rolled his car, was thrown out, and died in the hospital. instead of surviving with a horrible seat belt bruise and some broken bones, he is gone forever. i don't believe he is in heaven looking down watching over us. he isnt in some band camp party in the sky. he was a good, kind, caring person, but no matter how many people leave him facebook posts or start groups mourning his loss, he will not see them.
but i still miss him. wear your fucking seat belt.