
Friday, April 20, 2012

consignment adventures

something that i never found on long island [but im sure exists] were consignment stores.  there in cedar rapids growing up but it opened when i was a junior or senior in high school.  here in portland however, there are quite the plethora of place to buy other people's used shit.  and i looove it. 

i did a light spring closet cleaning and came up with two massive grocery bags [those are not the fold-up-and-put-in-your-purse size] of clothes and purses and an oversized goodwill bag of shoesies. 
since i needed motivation i made a consignment appointment at material objects and took my stuff in.  20 minutes later the nice ladies had picked out what they thought would sell and put the rest back in one bag for me.  and its considerably lighter as there are a couple bulky purses and only a couple actual clothing items. 
im still thinking about just dumping the stuff at goodwill, but there may be some other items in there worth taking elsewhere.  a couple months ago i dropped off some rather expensive [still with tags on] dresses that i had bought from sample sales or for occasions, and consigned them at second time around.  their schtick is only upper-end retail so they were brand name dresses.  as the woman was pricing stuff i had a peek around and there was a rather wide selection of mall-type brands - ann taylor, gap, etc, but whatever.  3/5 of my dresses have sold already with a total of 5 minutes of effort on my part.  i could have made bank on ebay or the like, but too lazy.  and frankly there is too much content out there and without doing things like ***OMG HUGE SALE*** ***DISCOUNTS!@@@@!!***  which i absolutely abhor and makes want to punch people in the face.... its hard to get noticed. 

a couple other places right in downtown are encore which sells mostly 60's-80's stuff [overpriced] but has really awesome jewelry and find.  i am 90% sure i took a bag of stuff there but looking on google i honestly cant remember going in there. 

and yes i feel a little bad about not donating my clothes to help the beneficiaries of goodwill/salvation army, but i take really good care of my clothes.  and im poor.  so selling them seems to be the way to go. 


  1. ISU BAG!!!! I still use mine for grocery shopping every week!!! :)

  2. umm when i try and do that the baggers put like 20 cans in it. and then they struggle to lift the bag back into the cart. ...makes for fun stair climbing to my apartment
