glimpse of the ruins whilst questing for sunscreen or "protecta solar" behind the museum there was a random green space that lead to more ruins umm 4th century lost and found? [...or just where all the miscellaneous pieces go] from one of the highest points in the ruins pathway
sunday, instead of fighting the huge crowds at the vatican [last sunday of each month is free admission], we went to the abandoned/buried/rediscovered/excavated port city of ostia antica. it is located about 10 miles west of rome proper, and 2 miles south of fco airport.
out of 100+ pics taken, these arent nearly the best, but were the most memorable. we discovered an area should probably have been completely roped off..instead of just on three sides. oh look! stairs... and they lead to a creepy tunnel! with multiple creepy dark passageways [illuminated only by camera flash] a mossy little exit? blocked off by prison type bars and a drainage grate
chocolate croissant and itty bitty espresso for prima colazione [first lunch ie breakfast] mint chip gelato at 10am 1 euro coke [$1.50] tastes pretty damn good after walking 10 blocks in the sun best. pizza. ever. 1 euro-gigantic zucchini & cheese slice [found in lonely planet guidebook] jason's new favorite drink-"orange red" ie blood orange juice i needed a snack after the subways broke down. now, i didnt eat a box of 6 of these cherry ice cream bars coated in crispies...but i could have. but i forgot to photo the bar and then it was gone. serendipitously [i just made that a word], i saw the same bar in the grocery store. delicious no sugar tea. not "less sugar" not "lower sugar" not "made with splenda instead of hfcs" actually no sugar added. mmm. prosuccito from the grocery that may or may not have been smoked and should have been cooked. we ended up not eating most of it just in case. [i made jason paranoid. oops] .99 euro lettuce. in the US this is $4+ and half rotten. wtf delicious cheese that should have been sliced fresh cherry tomatoes on the vine umm sandwich bread. cos we bought the wrong thing mmm german wine in rome. yea dont ask. coconut cream in a crispy shell. DELICIOUS. and yes made by ferrero. as in rochett thingers. hazelnut crispy nuggets of amazing. 10pm gelato at the spanish steps-peach and nutella. note to self: do not eat nutella gelato while climbing 50+ stairs.
colosseum early morning glamour shot. and i mean 9am as early morning. chariot fun for the whole family! emperor _____ [fill in blank] used this miniature sized track for, you guessed it! racing custom sized chariots driven by slave children and pulled by goats or ponies!! who wouldnt have thought that. the sis sent a list of places to stay in rome for under 100euros a night. we found a hostel/bed and breakfast "50 metres away from manzoni station" [the metro] for $40 a person. its not fancy, but its clean, quiet, and safe. what could possibly make this place better? perhaps a hazenut kitkat bar [or 3] or some hello kitty glasses?!
view from hostel/bed & breakfast italian frankster watching from the wall, keeping out the visigoths, you know just doin his thang via terme di caracalla [near baths of carcalla] oh you know...just the colosseum. hey creepy cardinal.
driving today in the classiest place on earth..i saw a bumper sticker that both horrified and enthralled me. when in the fucking hell did tinkerbell become a whorey little fairy hero for white trash? and with bad grammar?
here is what the bumper sticker consists of: [i cant bring myself to post a picture of it] tinkerbell on hands and knees "if your gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair"
first of all, your and you're are NOT THE SAME WORD. FUCKING GET IT RIGHT.
secondly, tinkerbell is a good fairy that helps little boys stay away from a middle aged man that repeatedly tries to imprison them. in that sense, tinkerbell is more like a social worker or a SVU cop.
tinkerbell is not a dirty little slut bucket that epitomizes what is wrong with america.
weeeeeell... they can be shaped like cute little tomatoes and have their pins sorted by color they can be used to store both pins and needles, and photograph very well in black and white. while squirrels run on electrical wires and chatter at other squirrels.
in short. they are in no way alike.
but as a fun fact of the day, the small strawberry shaped thing hanging off the smaller tomato pincushion [there may have been one on the larger tomato as well], is known as just "an emery". so being like a curious kitty but with both thumbs and the internet, i set out to find out what the fuck emery is. my thought was..maybe like an emery board. which the sound of sets my teeth on high-pitch screeching dentist-drilling edge, but i digress.
as it turns out, i was correct and the ever helpful wikipedia explains emery is a naturally occurring mineral. i did verify this with some other sites, but wiki had the most convenient and concise answer.
i recently purchased a sample sale sweatshirt. seeing as i 99% of the time buy sale items..this $70 item was a major splurge for me. i happened to be perusing beyond the rack [please use code NLZ5A07D04C if you join], thinking my usual wow this shit is pretty nice but i wouldnt pay that much when i saw the "wasabi sweatshirt." as i clicked on the closeup, i noticed swirly clouds, some artistic "asian" style suns, and spiney chopstick-esque icons.
now just cos its semi asian doesnt mean its wasabi. and that i automatically like it. [often though] mostly, the satin detailing sold me. any cambodian sweatshop can churn out $10 walmart hoodies. but the cuffs have satin ruching, the extra wide collar [not a hoodie] is satin lined, and the waist tie weaves thru the bottom cuff. these schmancy details make it worth the money to me, not to mention the fact that it is ridiculously soft on the inside and has pockets that are actually conveniently placed and sized for hands.
tank top: forever 21
dress: american apparel [shameful i know]
leggings: some cheap store
sweatshirt: killah/miss sixty sample sale-beyond the rack
jackson pollock poster: $5 sale
necklace: ae
necklace closeup. cos its pretty and long and shiny.
randomly checking the tag, i found the website for the brand is that leads me to believe they are based in italy...or at the very least their website is. as it turns out, i am flitting off to italy next wednesday for a week in rome with the boyfriend. hes going to give an electrical engineering paper at an international conference. im going for food, historical sturff, and perhaps a visit to one of the 5 killah stores in la citta roma. [thats pronounced cheetah. yea believe it.]
this kitten maybe weighs a pound. and has globby eyes. BUT IS SO FUCKING CUTE. even when it was being scolded by bob for drinking eye-cleaning solution it wobbled around the porch all fluffy and teeny very homely momma kitty i hope bob gets this kitten adopted. it is a blue/grey with white mittens and huge blue eyes...when theyre not crusted shut. if only i could be a crazy cat lady and keep all the stray kittens!!! but frank and my valued sanity keep me from falling into the inescapable land of cat rescue.
clouds over random ball field in coram. its the middle of a residential neighborhood and theres a shitty unpaved parking lot, but right there it looks like big sky country instead of a really really densely populated island. sunset at the medford target. which is right next to the medford walmart and the medford sams club. but ignoring the gigantic lights... its quite pretty coram diner. not really the sky. but just shiny awesomeness. and $17 baked mac and cheese topped with fish cakes [amaaazing] also included a piece of spinach pie/spanikopita, greek salad, matzo ball soup, bread basket, and the teeny tiniest glass of rose EVER. water glass is typical 8 oz.
after 7 hours at the outlet mall last weekend, i cleaned out my closet. we recently received notice in the mail that big brothers big sisters of long island was going around collecting guessing to sell to support their programs. im not actually sure now. maybe to donate to the kids? hm welp its all over now. i purged about 15 pairs of shoes, maybe 10 pairs of pants, and large macy's bags full of shirts, sweaters, and dresses.
within our house [my sister also cleaned her closet], we redistributed some clothes among the roommates and my best friend, but in total we had about 5 garbage bags full of clothes and miscellaneous household items. blah blah i have too much stuff, need to stop buying clothes, yea ive heard it all before. multiple times.
necklace: random new zealand gift shop
shirt: ny & co [on sale for $5!]
sweater: ny & co
i just thought my hair looked really good here [even though i look scary and emo], thanks to my mad hair-chopping skills and my new hair drying technique taught by kt.
shirt: forever 21 [thrifted from leah's closet]
necklace: kenneth cole
pants: h&m
hott armband: blood donation [the lady specifically matched it to my shirt!]