
Friday, June 26, 2015

flowers, the garden, and death

my karl rosenfield peonies!!  about quadruple the size this year, and such a gorgeous color!  i brought a couple indoors and aside from smelling just slightly sickly sweet, they lasted surprisingly well, until a gusty day brought aaaall the petals into a mass on the floor.  a couple more are sending out a second bud, so a few more weeks of blooms

since i can't be bothered to label individual pics this year, here is what is planted in various places - mostly clockwise from the top:  purple kale, dill, thai basil, lime basil, lime sage, genovese basil, cherry tomatoes, roma tomato, yellow tomato, large something something tomato, other various tomato, cucumbers, zucchini, rosemary i over-wintered indoors, brussels sprouts [only 1/6 remain..], various peppers, zucchini, other kale, more rosemary, lancianto kale, rainbow chard, and already bolted baby bokchoy.  interspersed here and there are random flowers, just cos i like the mix of color in between all the green.  these pics are from shortly after i planted in mid may, and since then things have grown some.  the roommate and i added compost, so we'll see if that helps.  optimism and stuff. 

now the death part.
baby robins!  with their weird creepy eyes and ever peeping beaks!  and the parent robins shrieking their faces off at me and trying to divebomb while i sneak pics!  .... well we had one of two huge thunderstorms with torrential rain and winds, and the babies are no more.  i took one pic a few days after the storm and realized they didnt look so great.  a day later i checked again and well, theyre definitely dead.  theyre about 7 feet up in a rhododendron bush, so i couldnt see in without a camera/phone, but the rhode flowers have dropped into the nest.  if youre on the instagram, i posted a pic of the nest nicely covered in flowers.  circle of life and all.  sigh.
the above said rhododendrons
some other flowers from earlier last month - lupines [state flower of maine], just budded peonies, and my bridal veil bush or whatever the eff its called. 

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