
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

what can you do with an hour?

destroy the hallway outside the bathroom.  that's what. 

while the heating guy does some stuff to be billed for.  at his suggestion mind you.  total maine attitude.  "well thehh bub, you're already getting billed for an houah, and that fix took right about 3 minutes thehh; want me to do some other quick maintenance while i'm heeah?" 

my favorite view in the house - from the kitchen into [from left] hallway to the bathroom and my bedroom, the dining/living rooms, the future library and stairs to the other rooms.  it has changed a bit... but in the end should actually look pretty similar.  brighter not lumpy walls, dark trim, shiny floors.. but the kitchen will remain older than i, until i happen to come across a spare $7000.  if you have it, lemme know.  kthx.


  1. bahahaah. i could see a mainah saying that, totally.

    1. to quote maine.. "ayuh". and thats the wall mom said not to touch. tooooo late.
