
Monday, December 19, 2011

bigger than a bread box

no one even knows what a bread box is.  regardless... i made bread.  and we ate one loaf and the other was stored in... a bag.
a really poufy ciabatta [with over-zealous stippling] and a normal looking loaf
loafy mc loaferton
mmm salt granules
bread cooling on the nice clean stove [it never stays that way..].  the random shine is from olive oil spray to make the salt stick.  not enough salt.  or oil.  maybe an egg-wash next time.

oh yea.  and the kicker is... our thermostat is set to 65 during the day.  the bread had to rise in my bedroom right next to the heater. 


  1. i have just starting making bread and this looks delicious! My whole family are nothing but bread junkies!
    Share your reciepe?

  2. sorry for the delay. i moved! aaaand am still unpacking. but i found my cookbook - ratio by michael ruhlman. [requires an accurate kitchen scale]

    basic bread dough:
    20 oz bread flour
    12 oz water
    2 teas salt
    1 teas instant yeast

    pour flour and water into mixing bowl. add salt and sprinkle yeast over water to dissolve. mix on medium until dough comes together, then add dough hook or knead by hand for 10 minutes. dough should be smooth and elastic enough to stretch a small chunk into a translucent square.

    cover with plastic wrap and rise to double-some resistance but not to squishy.

    knead to expel air bubbles and let rest 10 minutes. pull to desired shape and let rise/proof for an hour. coat with olive oil and salt. bake for 10 minutes at 450 then 30-50 at 375 depending on bread size.
