
Sunday, August 22, 2010

yard sale

look at our gloriously dead yard! that = no mowing. but it rained today for about 4 hours... so our solace is over. damnit.

3 bins + 1 box of bedding. how much sold? ...none.

other random shite.

i have never held a yard/garage/moving sale before. fortunately, we live on a neighborhood cut-thru street off of several major roads. between craigslist, bright clearly written posters, and drive-bys we made $173.75 in 6 hours! there was some pre-planning involved which included trying to figure out what the hell we were getting rid of [clothes, furniture, jewelry, makeup, stuffed animals, kitchen kitch, shoes, etc]. i also put on about 80 little stickers marked $.10 up to $10. not that it mattered cos people asked prices on everything.

mini rant:

blah blah economy blah blah .. i have to say this. when you see a brand new unworn pair of shoes [in your size] and are told theyre $2, it takes a lot of balls to look me in the eye and say "oh. thats too much" and then ask to go lower. ITS A FUCKING YARD SALE. WHERE ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO FIND $2 FREAKING BRAND NEW DESIGNER SHOES??! go home. seriously.

in other news, we packed up a bit early, put 3 boxes and about 5 bags of stuff in the back of toni's jeep, and 2 boxes at the curb marked "free/gratis". all in all, a successful effort. and it might inspire a craft/bake sale later this fall. hot cocoa and cider too...

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